
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Scoop & Big News

It's time once again for the Sunday Scoop:
Hopefully today's shoveling endeavor was the last... but this is New England!

Since I'm linking up later in the day today I can proudly say that meal prep for the week is done! Tonight's dinner is in the oven (roasting a chicken), veggies are cut, and meals are planned for the week. Yee-ha!

However, I have not worked on our school's reading celebration for Friday (click {HERE} to see how Battle of the Books is going!). Hoping to find some motivation tonight but the Rangers game is on at 7... decisions, decisions!

Hopefully I will get to write today. I've found some new motivation in the form of a journal I found at Target last week. I always find myself thinking of great writing ideas or just reflecting about the day as I try to fall asleep at night, which has cause a great deal of sleepless nights. I keep this handy journal right next to the bed with a pen ready at all times:

Here's the BIG news: What I'm most excited about this week, is hosting my first linkup!
Inspiration is the core of this blog and I wanted to start a weekly linkup to share what inspires you. Come back tomorrow for the first linkup! I can't think of anything better than starting off the week with a little spark of inspiration!


  1. I love that journal! I try to stay away from Target as much as I can because I always end up buying something cute that I really didn't need! :) Your linky party sounds interesting! I will come back tomorrow to check it out! :)

    Christine from The Math Nerdette

    1. Thanks! That's exactly what happened to me! I was going into Target for little Valentine's gifts for my boys... Oh well! Hope to see you back here tomorrow :)
      - Stacie

  2. You sound like me wanting to watch hockey tonight. I'm a Pittsburgh Penguins fan, trying to watch the game right now, but my son is watching "Toy Story"! He's so cute, glued to the screen and all. I can't bear to turn it off.
    I love the journal as well. I have to keep the notes section in my phone ready to go as soon as I lay down. It always happens! Great Target purchase, though! :)

    Ashley Lafleur

    1. We watched Toy Story today too!! Thankfully though my boys are die hard hockey fans so we watched every game that was on today for #HockeyDayInAmerica.
      Thanks for stopping by!
      - Stacie
