
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Organizing the new year!

Keeping my house organized is something I struggle with on a daily basis. The laundry piles up, toys are scattered about, and I feel that I am always rushing at the last minute.
Well one of my resolutions this year is to be more organized in all aspects of life. One of the most challenging things for me is meal planning for our family of 5. I LOVE to cook but don't always plan ahead, so at the last minute we end up throwing together some peanut butter sandwiches...
Hopefully now, with my new planning sheets, I will be able to stay on top of things in the kitchen!
 Click on the image above to download from Google Drive!
To help me out with my meal planning adventure I have been scouring blogs, websites, and cookbooks. Here are some of my favorites:
  • SkinnyTaste: LOVE this site! This is my number 1 go to for new recipes! There are thousands of recipes for every occasion on her blog and I just got her first cookbook for Christmas. Last night I made her Skinny Chicken Alfredo Pasta (I just subbed in some gluten free pasta) and it was amazing. So rich and creamy you would never guess it was "skinny". So far I have never tried a bad recipe from her!
  • Practical Paleo: A great cookbook for anyone interested in knowing more about the Paleo diet and wanting to try some new recipes.
  • Carnivore: Another fabulous cookbook find! I ordered this one for my husband the meat-lover last Christmas. Sadly I only got to try a couple recipes before my dog ate the book...
  • SuperHealthyKids: This site has some great recipes that even my picky 5 year old loves! His favorite is Veggie Packed Pizza Rolls. They are super delicious and easy to make. you can prep the sauce ahead to make weeknight meals even easier!

Good luck on your New Year's resolutions! I hope you find these as helpful as I am : )


  1. I need to know more about your Book Review site!!! I just finished a Book Review Unit in my classroom & wanted to put my students' Book Reviews on a Blog or website. I am slowly figuring Bloggy stuff and they are eagerly waiting for me to do something with their Book Reviews they have typed up. I think it's awesome you have a class Book Review Blog! I haven't fully checked it out...looks great though!! Speaking of reviews- if you would like to try out the Bookagram, I would be more than happy to send it to you. I would love and appreciate any feedback, photos, etc. It is something new I am trying out this year & I'd like to see if and how it works for other people :) Just let me know if you are interested!

  2. YES Please! I will email you tonight for more details! So excited to share ideas with you! I love your blog!!
